Chili Cookoff Entry - $20 | General Admission - $15
Eagles Member Admission & Kids 10 and under - $10
Entrance after 7pm - $5

MARCH 22, 2024, 4pm to 7pm we will be having our main fundraiser for the dogs. If you have what it takes come on out and bring your best chili!! Let the crowd decide along with 3 Infamous Judges!!
What do you need?
Be here between 4pm and 5pm. Judging begins at 5:30 and vote in your favorite category, and let the crowd decide!
$20.00 to enter*:
Gets you the taco bar
Entry in the chili category of your choice and test all the other Chilis .. be a judge yourself!!
1 Ticket to one of the Event Drawings of your Choice
Stay for the band "THE BOYS"
Most Unique
Best Bean
Best No Bean
Crowd Favorite
*Eagles Members get $5.00 Off Chili Cook Off Prices.