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Video Library

Media Coverage

We love when we can speak with local journalists and news groups about our cause. Check out some conversations we've had recently!

Charles interviews about IAAOH with the Muscatine Journal.

Everyday Videos

It's not all about work with these pups! Here are some videos of them enjoying life while "off the clock"

Airborne as a puppy playing with his kitty friend.

Airborne isn't quite sure about this chicken tender. 

Airborne as a puppy being a teensy bit naughty and chewing on stuff.

Training Videos

As part of their training, the new handler needs to have video proof of the dog's progress. Here you can find some of those videos

Heidi and Beau practicing "stay" when Heidi is leaving the house.

Heidi and Beau practicing "stay".

Heidi and Beau practicing "come", "sit", "down", "up" and "touch".

Heidi and Beau practicing "stay" when a treat is right there for the taking.

Heidi and Beau practicing "leave it", "drop it" and "fetch".

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